Welcome to Stephen R. Wells MD! Our team of leading OBGYN professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive, collaborative, and patient-centric care. We strive to give our patients a more personalized experience through our small group of physicians, certified nurse midwives, and certified nurse practitioners who work together in a shared workspace to deliver the highest quality of care.
I am Dr. Stephen Wells, my aim is to offer exceptional and personalized medical care in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and infertility; all while ensuring that you feel comfortable in our office environment. Our office proudly serves Walnut Creek, CA, and surrounding areas.
As you navigate this website, I hope that you learn and my passion for my life’s work shines through.

Our Services
Providing the highest quality of personalized care and up-to-date medical advice for all stages of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Our doctors deliver babies exclusively at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, CA; a leading medical institution renowned for its quality of care.
MonaLisa Touch
A revolutionary solution to address the symptoms of vaginal atrophy and help restore vaginal health and quality of life.
Robotic & Minimally Invasive Surgery
A pioneering provider of robotic and minimally invasive surgery, having performed over 500 successful procedures.
Teen Corner
Your go-to Teen Corner for comprehensive, mentor-style, confidential health care services. Focusing on abstinence first while providing candid advice and support regarding the safety of sexual activity.
Office Functions
The Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Midwives routinely see patients from 9:00 am to 11:45 and 2:00 pm to 3:45 pm Monday through Friday. It is necessary to schedule an appointment, as we do not take walk-in patients. If you have an emergency, please call our office and we will work you in as quickly as possible when medically indicated.
Regular annual exam appointments should be made 3 months in advance. If you have a specific gynecologic problem that needs to be addressed please make a separate appointment from your annual appointment.
Gynecologic appointments should be made 3 weeks in advance, with the exception of urgent problems that will be triaged and scheduled accordingly. We recognize the value of your time, so we do our best to keep your appointment on schedule. However, unforeseen delays do arise due to emergencies and deliveries. Our staff will make every effort to notify you by telephone so that you may choose either to keep your appointment or to reschedule.
Results for most lab work take 1 to 5 days for us to receive and several more days for us to contact you for review if necessary. If you have MyChart, you may receive results before we have had a chance to review them in a meaningful way. If you view them, your labs are marked to us as "Result viewed by patient", and we may not respond to you to discuss the results if they are deemed normal or within normal parameters. We review hundreds of labs per day, so please don't feel ignored. Rather, if an appropriate amount of time as passed and you have not heard from our office about a lab that you are particularly concerned about, please feel free to call us to see if the test results have been received, and request a call to review. If a lab result will involve a complex interaction, we will ask you to make an appointment. Medical Assistants may also relay normal results, but will not interpret non-standard or clinically significant abnormal results. These will be reviewed with you by Dr. Wells or one of the Nurse Practitioners.
Pap Smear test results can take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks to be received. At that time, your results are reviewed and a MyChart message will be sent to you. If you are not part of MyChart, you will be called with the PAP result. If there is an abnormal result, you will receive a phone call from our office.
Request new prescriptions at appointments when possible. For all refills of previously prescribed medications, please do not call our office. Instead, call your pharmacy. If necessary, they will send us an electronic request. This will be much quicker than calling our office for the refill request.
We will always keep your medical records strictly confidential. Your prior, written authorization is required for the release of any information. A $50.00 records copy fee will apply and must be received with your written authorization prior to your records being sent.
A 10 day notice is required or an additional fee of $10.00 will apply for a RUSH request. *Request for Release of Medical Records form can be found on the website under the Forms & Billing Tab.
California state law provides for disability income for qualified women beginning 4 weeks before their initial due date, regardless of when they actually deliver. The diagnosis used for this standard disability is simply “Pregnancy”. We use other diagnoses for other conditions if a woman must leave work earlier than the 4-week mark. Disability payments will continue for 6 weeks following a vaginal delivery, and 8 weeks following a cesarean section.
for more information and tutorials if you need.
Disability forms can be filled out either online (the easy way), or you can request the form to be sent to you to be filled out by you then sent to us for completion and we will send the form in for you.
The SDI Online process can be started by first registering by clicking
How To File Link. -
Once the registration is complete, you may log in and complete your claim by visiting the SDI Online Login page.
Complete all of the information that you are allowed to enter, you can “pre-enter” all of this before you are off work to get your claim started, but the website will not allow a future date to be entered so your claim cannot be submitted until the day after your last day of work.
Submit your claim on the day following your last day of work, even if that day happens fall on a weekend or holiday. Call our office and provide us with your Receipt # (R#) AND the date of your last day of work. The R# is found on the top of your form, and this should be emailed to you as well. Delaying submission will only delay you from receiving Disability Income. The first 7 days from date of submission are considered a “grace period” and you will not be paid during this time. After the grace period ends, you will be entitled to 60% of your normal pay.
Some patients receive a disability package directly from their employers that falls outside of the California SDI. If this applies to you, we would ask that you consult with your company’s HR department to request forms to apply for disability. Please request that they help you fill these forms out as completely as possible, then bring them to us to complete and submit. We try not to complete these forms too early as pregnancy can sometimes be unpredictable as far as when a woman will deliver, and we will have to know the exact date of your last day of working to complete the forms. We will try to submit these about a month or so before your last day of work. Please provide us with an ACCURATE FAX # or ADDRESS and CONTACT PERSON so that we can send this to the correct location. WE CANNOT EMAIL FORMS, only fax or regular mail!
Should you choose to stay home for longer than what is allowed for pregnancy related disability, the state will send you the paperwork if eligible when your SDI benefits are almost completed. All that is required is that you fill out all of the requested information and provide either your baby’s SS# or a copy of the birth certificate, then mail it in. You do not need any information from our office and there is nothing for us to do. They will again continue to pay you for another 6 weeks at 60% on the same debit card. If you have any questions about this, please contact http://www.edd.ca.gov/
If a spouse/family member is taking time off work to take care of you (the “patient” with a true medical need) then YES our office will fill out forms for them. If they are taking time off work for “baby bonding”, then our office will not fill out the forms (no medical need). You or your spouse will need to fill them out and send in. To obtain FMLA forms from the state please visit the same website and request for the FMLA/Baby Bonding forms be mailed to you.